We are primarily focused on the B2C segment, but also have companies in the B2B, smart tech or healthcare industry.
Conditions: Ticket size is USD 50–200,000 І Share size 1–15 % І Length of stay 3-7 years
We’ll Help You Get to the Top
- We’re a bridge between angel investors and VC fund opportunities.
- The new fund opens on 1 June 2022 and is looking for EUR 6 mil.
- The closing date for investments is 1 May 2023; the fund will be open or 7 years.
- In the end, we will have 50+ carefully selected projects.
- We are investing cca EUR 100k in each project in the early stages.
- We focus on projects in the CEE region, but already support projects across the EU.
Contact us if you would like to explore more of our vision and see our results.
Find an Experienced Guide to Lead the Way
We help Startups get their idea off the ground, make it a reality and build MVP.
We help get your first customers and prove your business idea.
We support growth and expansion.
We look at your business from different angles.